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Energy Management

Energy Management

Unimicron is committed to pursuing the best efficiency in the use of energy and resources. Through the Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Management Committee, Unimicron has formulated energy management plans and targets, and continues to implement management strategies such as electricity saving measures, energy efficiency improvement, energy management system introduction, and renewable energy use planning, effectively reducing the environmental impact caused by greenhouse gas emissions in response to future climate change risks. In 2022, electricity consumption intensity was 12.40 and carbon emission intensity was remaining at 6.7, both meeting annual targets.。

Unimicron's energy use is mainly purchased electricity, which is used in the production process and factory system, followed by the consumption of natural gas, which is mainly used in the pressing process. The rest are purchased steam for heating and gasoline and diesel fuel for business vehicles and goods delivery vehicles. The fossil fuels used in 2022 included gasoline (0.0019X109MJ), diesel (0.0223X9MJ), natural gas (0.4082X9MJ), and indirect energies are electricity (6.3X109MJ) and steam (0.00003X9MJ); the total energy consumption is 6.7X109MJ, and the intensity of consumption is 0.47X105MJ/million revenue.

In recent years, the cost of power generation has increased and insufficient hydroelectric power generation in China due to high coal prices and low rainfall in high temperature and drought, which has led to a policy of restricting power supply. In order to meet the government's policy and objectives, the plants use power generation units to maintain the stability of the basic maintenance system, and also adjust production hours or schedules through capacity deployment to reduce the impact on production capacity.

Since 2021, a number of major power outages have occurred in Taiwan, highlighting the risk of power shortage and unstable power supply in Taiwan. The PCB industry is a highly energy-consuming industry, and electricity is our main source of energy. In order to pursue the goals of stable power, diversified power sources, and energy saving and carbon reduction, the Company’s Board of Directors resolved in December 2022 to establish a new innovative energy "hydrogen fuel cell," and it is expected to complete the installation by 2026, with an investment of over NT$4 billion.

Energy Consumption

Type Area Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Gasoline Taiwan KL 13 15 11 11 5 15
Mainland China 119 112 87 60 55 44
Total 132 127 98 71 60 59
Diesel Fuel Taiwan KL 411 182 77 128 130 218
Mainland China 302 532 332 335 912 407
Total 713 714 409 463 1,043 625
Fuel Oil Taiwan KL 488 512 0 0 0 0
Mainland China 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 488 512 0 0 0 0
Natural Gas Taiwan m3 6,005,930 7,531,420 7,881,489 7,780,200 8,298,755 7,887,744
Mainland China 2,119,135 2,528,663 3,126,236 2,926,580 3,812,358 3,279,877
Total 8,125,065 10,060,083 11,007,725 10,706,780 12,111,113 11,167,621
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Taiwan KG 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mainland China 68,200 64,620 0 0 0 0
Total 68,200 64,620 0 0 0 0
Electricity Taiwan MWh 872,660 940,182 974,724 1,023,422 911,027 1,195,071
Mainland China 373,535 439,656 401,664 530,285 591,180 546,748
Total 1,246,195 1,379,837 1,376,388 1,553,707 1,502,207 1,741,819
Steam Taiwan Tons 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mainland China 14,488 19,654 20,362 27,912 41,452 59,165
Total 14,488 19,654 20,362 27,912 41,452 59,165
Note 1: The data of Taiwan Facilities for 2017~2021 does not include Chungyuan Plant, Chung Hsing Plant, Yangmei Plant and Shanying II Plant in Taiwan. The data for 2022 does not include Chungyuan Plant, Chung Hsing Plant and Nanshan Plant.
Note 2: The data resource of calculation factor from The 2015 Energy Statistical Annual Reports issued by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs and the 2017 China Energy Statistical Yearbook. The heating of various energy sources is as follows: gasoline (Taiwan: 32,635,200 KJ/KL, and Mainland China: 33,379,250 KJ/KL), diesel fuel (Taiwan: 35,145,600 KJ/KL, and Mainland China: 36,040,940 KJ/KL), fuel oil ( Taiwan: 40,166,400 KJ/KL), natural gas (Taiwan: 35,564 KJ/m3, and Mainland China: 38,931 KJ/m3), liquefied petroleum gas (Mainland China: 50,179 Kg/m3), electricity (Taiwan and Mainland China: 3,600,000 KJ/MWh), and steam (Mainland China: 2,762.9 KJ/ton).

Electricity Consumption Intensity 

Note: The data of Taiwan Facilities for 2017~2021 does not include Chungyuan Plant, Chung Hsing Plant, Yangmei Plant and Shanying II Plant in Taiwan. The data for 2022 does not include Chungyuan Plant, Chung Hsing Plant and Nanshan Plant.

Energy Saving Program in Taiwan Facilities

In response to future energy and carbon risks, Unimicron continues to implement energy reduction plans that focus on reducing electricity consumption and reducing energy consumption in the production process. Taiwan Facilities are also actively engaged in energy saving and power saving activities, with the priority of improving energy efficiency, introducing high efficiency equipment, introducing intelligent control systems, deploying production and setting equipment energy saving modes in each plant, and promoting energy saving and carbon reduction through plant utilities and production processes.

2022 Energy Saving Plan in Taiwan Facilities

Type Content Benefits
Energy Saving (MWh/year) Emissions Reduction(t-CO2e/year)
Process Modification Improve production processes and increase efficiency to reduce inefficient energy consumption 19,111 9,728
Equipment Modification or Renovation Upgrade equipment systems to improve energy efficiency 763,506 388,889
Others Reduce the use of non-essential energy resources 180,683 91,968

Results of Reduction Plans

Item Unit 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Annual Electricity Saving MWh 30,423 31,718 26,281 12,057 13,204 963,300
Annual Electricity Saving GJ 109,523 114,184 94,615 43,406 47,493 3,467,882
Annual GHG Reduction Tons of CO2e/MWh 17,944 18,100 14,039 6,501 7,258 490,584

2022 Electricity Saving Project


Real-time adjustment of the factory-wide FFU group control to reduce energy waste


The traditional plant FFU control has to be manually adjusted by a single unit on site, but now it is changed to remote FMCS joint control logic, which can save manpower and shorten the time of abnormality finding.

2022 Achievements

Cost of NT$7.5 million and annual electricity savings of 630,676 kWh

Promotion of Renewable Energy Use

In addition to continuously improving energy efficiency, we are also planning for the use of renewable energy. It is expected that by 2025, we will continue to replace energy-consuming equipment to save energy and evaluate the use of energy storage facilities to stabilize electric power while curbing peak electricity consumption at the same time. We plan to use renewable energy and photovoltaic systems by 2030 to reduce GHG emissions caused by operations.

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