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Career Development

Talent Cultivation

Using TTQS as a benchmark and guided by organizational strategy, Unimicron offers high-quality, diverse training by leveraging internal and external resources. This approach fosters a learning culture, enhances employee competencies, strengthens organizational development, and continuously creates value, all while fulfilling the company's public welfare mission. The Company has established a comprehensive training system and environment, dedicated to fostering a high-quality, independent learning culture and actively engaging in talent development. For personal career growth, we offer extensive training programs, multiple learning channels, and create employee learning maps. These initiatives help employees develop the necessary workplace knowledge, skills, and a progressive work attitude, transforming them from "talents" into "valuable talents" and elevated to "valuable assets" who continuously grow through learning and contribution.

Unimicron Talent Cultivation
Talent Demand Planning
Talent Selection
New Employee
Guidance / Appointment Employee Development
Employee Development
Talent Cultivation
  • Recruitment from Military
  • Cooperative Education
  • Campus Talent Recruitment
  • Internal Introduction
  • Internal Recruitment
  • R&D Substitute Services
  • On-site Talent Recruitment at the
    Vocational Training and
    Employment Service Station
  • Print and Online Media
  • Test of Engineering Management Intelligence and Advanced English
  • Dual Review System for Recruitment and Professional Interview
  • Carefulness Test and Basic English Assessment for Junior Staff
  • Suitability Test, Management Competency Test
  • Education and Training
  • Job Rotation
  • Internal Promotion
  • Overseas Assignments
  • Employee Career Planning
  • New Employee Training
  • New employee Guidance System
  • Professional Certification System

Diversified Talent Cultivation

Unimicron has tailored its educational training structures to meet the needs of new employees, general staff, and management. Beyond implementing these plans, we have established a maturity mechanism for engineers in each plant to monitor and enhance engineering quality and organizational effectiveness. We also provide leadership and management training for current and potential leaders. By integrating these efforts with rotation and promotion systems, we have successfully increased the potential talent pool. Amid the pandemic's challenges, Unimicron remains steadfast in nurturing professional talent. We have expanded learning methods and embraced digital transformation to strengthen organization and boost competitiveness. In 2023, we invested NT$14 million in employee training. Our commitment to supervisor development is evident, with 79% of personnel above manager level being promoted internally, highlighting our dedication to talent cultivation and advancement.

Indirect EmployeesDirect Employees
Functional TrainingCross-Disciplinary TrainingTQM Training

SBU Leader Development Plan

New Executives Program

Domestic and Overseas EMBA

JUSE International Seminar
HIDA Executive
Program CEMA
Overseas Study Program
Managerial Role

Mid-Level Supervisor Development Plan

Training for New Managers

ross-Division Rotation Plan

Project Management Training - Leader

TQM Training for Managers
  • Guidelines Management
  • Daily Management
  • 6σ Black and Green Belt
  • Lean Management
  • QCC Activity Circle
  • QC Fundamental Courses

Leader Training

Technical Instruction Training

Non-Managerial Role

New Deputy Managers Training

Technical and Business Skills Training

New Employee Orientation

Project Management Training - Member

Quality Related Training

Fundamental Skills Training


Responsible Unit:Supervisors of Business Units TQM Committee Human Resources Division External Resources

Average Employee Training Hour

TaiwanMaleTraining (Hours)299,258159,525188,759202,999
Employees (People)9,8459,5759,9489,519
Average Training (Hours)30.416.719.021.3
FemaleTraining (Hours)179,20664,21183,92496,371
Employees (People)6,3416,0996,3816,427
Average Training (Hours)28.310.513.215.0
Average Training Hours per Person29.614.316.718.8
ChinaMaleTraining (Hours)131,59197,500104,07493,066
Employees (People)8,3027,6227,3056,872
Average Training (Hours)15.912.814.313.5
FemaleTraining (Hours)74,49459,72868,77353,634
Employees (People)5,2315,0014,7684,367
Average Training (Hours)14.211.914.412.3
Average Training Hours per Person15.212.514.313.1

Note: Average Training Hours per Person = training hours/ number of employees.

2023 Employee Training Hours

HoursPeopleAverage Training Hours per PersonHoursPeopleAverage Training Hours per Person
TaiwanVice President or Higher1,095.773630.4434.00217.00
Deputy Manager/Manager35,145.4695236.927,612.3924231.46
ChinaVice President or Higher45.0059.00000
Deputy Manager/Manager2,558.5013219.381,725.505531.37

Note: Excluding term contract types.

New-Employee Orientation

Unimicron is committed to talent cultivation. To help new employees quickly adapt to their roles and the corporate culture, the Training Division regularly organizes pre-employment courses. The frequency and duration of these sessions are flexibly adjusted to meet actual needs, ensuring new hires swiftly acclimate to their environment and responsibilities. The new employee orientation covers six key parts: company introduction, food, clothing, housing, transportation, personnel regulations, manufacturing processes, quality awareness, and waste management. The course totals 12 hours. Additionally, we offer a series of courses for new employees, covering statistical process control, the seven quality management techniques, professional certification, and teamwork training. Through dynamic competitions, Unimicron helps employees grasp the company's philosophy, values, and goals, fostering a deeper alignment between individual and team values.

Resources for New-Employee Orientation

Region Item2020202120222023
Taiwan Training Cost (NT$)2,337,3161,363,240663,1181,167,656
Training Hours (Hours)3,59356,117.5074,933.3430,550.99
Training Cost (NT$)1,408,708283,429249,305413,366
Training Hours (Hours)25,122126,37159,67038,004

Note 1: The scope of courses includes employee pre-employment training, SPC, QC, and winning camp training.

Note 2: The cost depends on the number of courses offered and the training hours, not the number of participants.

Internal and External Lecturer Selection

Diversified Orientation for New Employees

Unimicron assigns counselors and trainers to assist new employees with their work and skill development, helping them integrate and adapt to the new environment through various support measures.

  • Regularly meet with new staff to ensure they adapt to the environment.
  • Assist them in obtaining necessary licenses and certifications.
  • Identify and address any learning challenges.
  • Implement the counselor mechanism.
Feedback from New Employees

During pre-employment training, the Company’s commitment to new employee education is evident. In addition to covering emergency response and traffic safety, HR provides training on product processes, company policies, regulations, and employee rights, offering a concise introduction to the Company. Once in their assigned units, an instructor guides new employees through the work environment, introducing them to their department, colleagues, and the necessary skills for their roles.

Exchange Activities with Lunghwa University of Science and Technology

Diversified Orientation for New Employees

Cooperative Education to Create Win-Win

In 2023, Unimicron cooperated with 12 schools in total, with 108 students. In the future, Unimicron will uphold the spirit of CSR, continue to develop cooperation with schools, recruit outstanding talents, and create a win-win.

Top 5 by the Number of Students in Cooperative Education12345
SchoolLunghwa University of TechnologyMinghsin University of Science and TechnologyFan Shu Vocational SchoolChina University of TechnologyHwa Hsia University of Technology
Cooperative Education2020202120222023
Student (People)207123110108
Benefits for Unimicron
  • Cooperative Education provides an excellent medium through that Unimicron has a stable human source
  • Give students good learning opportunities, reduce the gap between Industry-Academia, and improve training efficiency
Benefits for Students
  • We provide a good workplace to the students for the learning environment and full care measures such as safe and convenient accommodation, counselors for work and life, consultation interviews, and internship opportunities
  • Students can get work experience early to improve their work competencies

Talent Cultivation Project

Thai Students' Plant Visit

For the talent training project in third countries, Thai students visit the plant before their internships to gain insight into the Company’s production process and environment.

Thai Students' Plant Visit
Thai Student Talent Matchmaking

The Company’s executive/HR team also visited Lunghwa University of Science and Technology to match Thai students with internship opportunities, successfully recruiting 29 students for training at Luchu II Plant and Hejiang Plant.

Thai Student Talent Matchmaking
Experience Sharing on Social Media

Invite senior executives and experienced staff to share workplace stories on social media, giving interviewees a glimpse into the workplace culture and the skills needed for the job.

Experience Sharing on Social Media
Diverse Learning Resources and Channels

In addition to planning and managing company-wide training, courses are categorized into A (general), Q (quality), M (management), T (technical), and N (industrial safety). Alongside diverse internal training, we also offer external learning channels and resources for colleagues.

Unimicron helps new supervisors swiftly apply their training to the workplace through blended learning (online courses and practical drills). In project learning, beyond management courses, the annual project evaluation presentations are designed to encourage active colleague participation.

Amid the global shift toward digital innovation, Unimicron introduced the "Unimicron E-learning" platform to ensure the seamless flow of knowledge and skills. This digital learning platform allows employees to access the latest course information anytime, anywhere. We actively integrate internal and external learning resources, offering over 3,000 courses. In 2023, employees accessed the learning platform over 60,000 times and completed courses.

Unimicron E-learning Platform
Practical Skills Exercise
Annual Project Evaluation Presentation

Talent Development

Unimicron has developed a comprehensive training system and career orientation program that provides diverse learning channels, allowing employees to participate in cross-disciplinary and cross-technology projects. By encouraging strong interaction, teamwork, and brainstorming, the Company promotes mutual learning and collaboration. This approach creates a diverse, independent, high-quality learning culture that supports ongoing career and work quality improvement, helping employees excel and boosting overall productivity. We offer comprehensive training resources for all employees, with tailored blueprints for four key job categories, experience levels, and functions. Beyond core training, we implement courses in 5G technology and smart plants to meet industry demands, enhancing engineers’ skills with new technologies and ensuring effective knowledge transfer through various learning channels.

We regularly assess training program effectiveness using the Kirkpatrick Model and Human Capital ROI indicators. This approach enables us to refine strategies, adapt to industry changes, and accelerate employee development. Despite a fluctuating economic environment in recent years, the Company has consistently achieved profitability. The high ROI indicator in 2022 underscores a notable enhancement in business performance. In 2023, we keep enhancing e-learning platform and optimize the learning environment to offer targeted training. We aim to support employees' continuous improvement, foster multi-functional skills, and unlock their full potential.

Human Capital ROINote14.1513.8315.3714.33

Note: Human Capital ROI indicators = (annual revenue - (operating expenses - employee salaries and benefits))/employee salaries and benefits).

Careers Development Programs

LevelItemQuality Control Circle ActivitiesLean Project
Level 1
Evaluation ItemCourse SatisfactionCourse Satisfaction
Evaluation MethodSatisfaction SurveySatisfaction Survey
Target in 202388%90%
Result in 202395.11%92.59%
Target in 202488%90%
Level 2
Evaluation ItemPass RatesPass Rates
Evaluation MethodAfter-class TestAfter-class Test
Target in 202388%85%
Result in 202397.24%86.07%
Target in 202488%85%
Level 3
Evaluation ItemEvery Plant Establish QCCProject Execution
Evaluation MethodQCC CompetitionNumber of Projects Completed
Target in 2023200466 Cases
Result in 2023173743 Cases
Target in 2024200695 Cases
Level 4
Evaluation ItemThe Rate of QCC Activities AchievementProject Benefits
Evaluation MethodThrough the Result of Every Circle Improvement Activity to Calculate the Rate of QCC. Formula: 100% Completion Quality Circle/Total Quality Circle.Project Financial Review
Target in 2023The KPI of QCC activities results >90%NT$ 4,550,815,991
Result in 2023The KPI of QCC activities results in 98.9%NT$ 7,554,800,000
Target in 2024The KPI of QCC activities results >90%NT$ 3,700,000,000
Course ObjectivesBy implementing QC training courses and QCC activities, we enhance employees' quality awareness, prioritize quality improvement, foster team intelligence, and boost individual potential, thereby strengthening company culture and morale.Project management tools and techniques.
  • By operating solidarity QCC activities, we enhance overall quality culture, improve employees' problem-solving capabilities, and continually refine quality management systems and methods.
  • In 2023, we refined continuous quality management training courses by incorporating key practical cases from the field. This approach addresses employees' practical needs and ensures effective training transfer, providing tangible benefits in daily work.
  • Utilize professional methodologies and statistical methods for project improvements, enabling employees to enhance processes continuously, reduce operational and management costs, and increase product yields.
  • The adoption of project-based training in 2021, coupled with consultants for guidance in 2022, has matured significantly. By the end of 2023, teaching materials were updated to better align with project needs.
  • TQM introduced its own statistical software for GB courses, enhancing functionality and usability for employees. This improvement has led to a higher course pass rate since its 2023 rollout.
2023 TraineesJob Level 2 to 11Job Level 5 to 11
2023 Participants (People)2,5431,006
Coverage Rate (%)215%118%

Note 1: Coverage Rate = (Number of students who completed training / Total number of students scheduled for training) × 100%.

Note 2: The Career Development Program comprises a series of courses delivered in stages based on the target audience and completion criteria. The coverage rate may exceed 100% because employees may complete courses in advance to meet promotion requirements.

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