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Human Rights

Human Rights Management

Unimicron’s business locations can be found all over the world. In this highly competitive industry, talent is the key to a Company’s success in the global market. We support and respect the principles and spirit of the "International Labor Organization Tripartite Declaration of Principles," "The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights", and "The United Nations Global Compact," and follow the "RBA Code of Conduct" and other related international norms, as well as the labor laws and regulations of the locations where our operations are located, the "Unimicron Labor Policy" is formulated on 01 January 2011 and related measures are implemented to create a friendly workplace for employees with a place where they can fully utilize their abilities. To make timely adjustments to its business strategies in response to global changes, we annually assess the risks and impacts of labor rights in accordance with the "Human Resources Division's Continuous Planning Procedures", to meet the requirements and expectations of the law, customers, society, international regulations, and Unimicron's internal stakeholders.

Labor Policy

  • Equal employment opportunity- Prevent discrimination during recruitment, employment, assessment, or promotion.
  • Humane treatment- Ensure equal opportunity and dignity for all employees.
  • Communication with employees- Encourage employees to express opinions, and protect the rights of the aggrieved.
  • Improve work conditions- Provide comprehensive wage and welfare system and strengthen employee training to enhance their competitiveness.
  • Integrity- Uphold principles of honesty and justice.
Topics Human Rights
  • Fair Employment
  • Humane Treatment
  • Employee Communication
  • Improving working conditions
  • Personal Code of Conduct
  • No discrimination in recruitment, promotion, evaluation and advancement
  • Protect the work equality and dignity of employees
  • Encourage employees to voice their opinions and protect the rights of the grievant
  • Provide a sound salary and benefits system and strengthen employee training to enhance competitiveness
  • Uphold the principles of integrity and fairness
  • Human Resource Division
Resources Invested
  • Establishment of relevant regulations as a basis for implementation
  • Employee Relations Project Contacts
Grievance Mechanism
  • Employee suggestion box, Labor-management meeting, OSH committee, Whistleblower hotline and mailbox
2022 Targets
  • Incidents of Discrimination 0 case
  • Completion Rate of Human Rights Training >98%
  • Education and training
  • Provide diversified communication channels for employees
  • Company Intranet and Bulletin Board
2022 Achievements
  • Incidents of Discrimination 0 case
  • Completion Rate of Human Rights Training: 99.42%

Human Rights

Unimicron values human rights; upholds a fair and respectful attitude in implementation of labor policies and their spirit; established a culture of equality, tolerance and open communication; and created a workplace that protects human rights to ensure that the spirit is incorporated into corporate culture.

Unimicron believes that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect and has publicly pledged its support for “The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, “The ILO Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work”, “UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and “Responsible Business Alliance” to establish regulations. HR is responsible for the identification, assessment, and discussion regarding employee relations, and then each unit identifies human rights risks and assesses the impact. For each issue, management measures, as well as related training, are implemented through the “Rules on Labor Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility”. Various communication channels are provided to employees, such as employee suggestion boxes, labor-management meetings, a hotline and a mailbox for reporting incidents, and quarterly OSH committees. Every year, each issue is identified according to laws and regulations and the Company policies to ensure the protection of human rights. In 2022, no child labor, forced labor, or discrimination occurred in Unimicron ‘s plants in Taiwan and mainland China.

Issue Assessment Method Management Measures
Prohibit Child Labor and Youth Labor Protection
  • Audit and assessment of the misuse of child labor
  • Assessment of young workers’ job protection
  • Implementation of “Regulations Protection of Health and Safety for Women and Workers under 18 Years of Age”
  • Enhancing the auditing and management of the personnel appointment process
  • Revising procedures and enhancing remedial measures for misuse of child labor
  • Specifying prohibited types of work and limiting work hours for young workers.
  • Enhancing daily management and internal auditing
Prohibit Forced Labor
  • Audit and assessment of migrant workers’ recruitment, employment, and rights
  • “Regulations Governing the Selection of migrant workers for Employment” and “Personnel Code of Conduct”
  • Ensuring the rights of migrant workers through appointment and work rules
  • Organizing briefing sessions for migrant workers before their departure and investigating whether they were charged inordinate fees or other violations
  • Providing freedom-from-retaliation feedback cards and communication channels with the Company
Working Time
  • Audit of overtime
  • Audit of daily overtime working hours
  • Audit of weekly overtime working hours
  • Specifying rules on attendance, leave and working hours
  • Providing cards with work hours regulations written on them
  • Notifying abnormal working hours by mail
  • Regular monthly meetings at each plant for reports and education
Compensation and Benefits
  • Investigation on wage deductions or reductions for disciplinary reasons
  • Specifying the “Rules on Salary for Local and Foreign Employees”
  • Regularly performing annual internal audits and employee interviews to detect potential misconduct
Freedom of Association
  • Employee feedback
  • Evaluation through labor-management meetings and employee grievance mechanism
  • Specifying the “Personnel Code of Conduct”
  • Quarterly labor-management meetings are held to actively assess and improve through suggestions made by employees
  • Audit and evaluation of recruitment conditions
  • Evaluation of workplace abuse grievance reporting mechanism
  • Specifying the “Regulations Governing the Handling of Grievances and Sexual Harassment”
  • Organizing education and training courses on sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Conducting RBA human rights compliance training at events such as orientation and annual sessions
Humane Treatment
  • Evaluation of workplace abuse grievance reporting mechanism
  • Enforcing regulations on the prevention and management of abuse suffered while carrying out duties
  • Providing a variety of communication channels for employees, including paper, e-mail, LINE@, etc.
Safe and Healthy Workplace
  • OSH Assessment
  • Smooth communication channels for employee
  • Physical and mental health of employees
  • Recording workplace injury statistics and enhancing OSH training
  • Introducing the EAP to provide employees with psychological counseling and channels for expressing thoughts

2022 Human Rights Related Training

Course Title Participants Employees Should Be Trained Employees Trained Training Rate (%) Total Hours (Man-Hour)
Sexual Harassment Prevention Act
Act of Gender Equality in Employment
The entire Company (for employees employed for longer than 3 months, including staff in Taiwan and the Taiwanese staff dispatched to Mainland China) 13,376 13,298 99.42% 13,298
Personnel Code of Conduct
Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct
Note 1: The above courses have been planned among the orientation to implement the training mechanism and increase the training rate.
Note 2: The training rate of courses such as the “Sexual Harassment Prevention Act”, ”Act of Gender Equality in Employment", "Personnel Code of Conduct” and "RBA Code of Conduct" includes QunHong Technology Inc.
Note 3: The annual training is held in July, therefore, some employees who have not completed the training will be included in next year's training list.

Employee Relations and Communications

Unimicron values its communication with employees and provides diverse ways of communication for all employees so that they can give feedback or consult at any time. We also set exclusive e-mail/Complaint Box for anonymous grievances and complaints to assist employees in solving problems and provide comprehensive assistance.

All employees

Supervisors at All Levels of the Department
  • Monthly/Irregular meetings of all plants and departments
  • Internal activities
  • Employee care interviews
Dedicated Personnel of Human Resources Division
  • Dedicated personnel of HR provides services
  • Employee forums/Regular employer/employee meetings
  • Health Management Center
System/Employee Welfare Committee
  • Grievance channels for employees
  • Employee suggestion mailbox
  • Corporate website/Corporate bulletin board
  • Employee Welfare Committee

To understand the work and living conditions of expatriate employees in Mainland China Facilities and to improve retention rate, the Company conducts surveys 3 months and 18 months after their dispatch. In addition, a forum is held every quarter to solve issues related to living conditions, it invites department heads to participate in the forum, care for employees’ problems and suggestions regarding work and local life, and provide relevant assistance. Concerning employee feedback and questions, Unimicron invites relevant departments to respond and follow up on those cases. In 2022, 521 cases were formally submitted through the employee communication channel in Taiwan Facilities, while 367 cases were submitted in Mainland China Facilities, and 100% of them have been solved. All cases have been responded to and sent back to the employees through the communication channel.

Unimicron currently has no labor union but conducts bilateral communication through regular labor-management meetings, and respects the right of all employees to participate in collective negotiation and peaceful gatherings. After the labor-management meeting quarterly, important matters and the advocated matters shall be sent to all units, so that every employee can accurately and simultaneously understand the latest policies and handling of related issues, to enhance their cohesion and professionalism. If the Company has major operational changes, advance notice shall be given in accordance with the labor laws and regulations.


Where an employer terminates a labor contract pursuant to “Labor Standards Act”, the provisions set forth below shall govern the minimum period of advance notice:

  • Where a worker has worked continuously for more than three months but less than one year, the notice shall be given ten days in advance.
  • Where a worker has worked continuously for more than one year but less than three years, the notice shall be given twenty days in advance.
  • Where a worker has worked continuously for more than three years, the notice shall be given thirty days in advance.
Mainland China

30 days notice period in accordance with “The Labor Contract Law”

Employee Feedback

Type 2019 2020 2021 2022
Taiwan Mainland China Taiwan Mainland China Taiwan Mainland China Taiwan Mainland China
Workplace 173 33 133 48 145 35 187 47
Transportation 55 30 73 26 31 23 72 70
System and Culture 40 6 69 14 90 11 66 3
Food 35 126 42 119 41 55 100 142
Employee Welfare Committee 11 2 12 0 3 0 31 5
Compensation and Benefits 18 8 11 8 26 10 19 6
Information Management 17 2 10 2 8 0 24 2
Training 3 0 6 2 5 3 2 5
Entertainment 4 0 5 0 0 0 0 1
Clothing 2 2 2 2 1 2 9 2
Accommodation 2 149 1 138 20 145 7 82
Job Management 26 0 0 0 35 0 4 2
Total 386 358 364 359 405 284 521 367
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