
Results of the 2023 Factory Safety and Health Performance Management System Classification

In order to ensure that each factory's safety and health management complies with company regulations and enhance employee safety awareness, a factory's safety and health performance management system has been established. The goal is to strengthen autonomous safety and health management in each factory and prevent accidents.

The factory's safety and health performance management system uses three proactive indicators (Internal Audits, EHS month Safety scores, Safety and Health proposals) and two reactive indicators (Accidents, Zero Disaster Day Activity) for management purposes. These five performance indicators are weighted and used to assign performance ratings to factories: A Grade (Outstanding) for scores ≥95 points, B Grade (Excellent) for scores between 85 and 95 points, C Grade (Good) for scores between 75 and 85 points, and D Grade (Fair) for scores below 75 points. This system was implemented by the group for the first time in 2023, and subsequent revisions and improvements to the performance indicators will be made annually to ensure the integrity of the system and facilitate continuous improvement across all factories, with the ultimate goal of achieving exemplary factory status.

Based on the evaluation results from November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2023, the S1 Plant, H1 Plant, and S2A Plant, led by their respective plant supervisors, have achieved the top three rankings among factories in Taiwan. Their accomplishments have been recognized and publicly commended.

Source: Occupational Safety & Health Integration Department